Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy​

This statement (and attached documents below) outlines the policies and processes relating to the privacy of personal information acquired by Riding for the Disabled of the ACT Inc. (Pegasus) in the course of its operation. It covers what information is being collected and why.  It has been reviewed and updated in response to the implementation of the Australian Privacy Principles on 12 March 2014.

The Australian Privacy Principles [See Att 1], the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard [see Att 2] also applies to Pegasus.

General Privacy Statement
​The following statement or elements of it appear on the Pegasus website wherever questions of privacy are raised.

Personal contact details
Pegasus is dedicated to protecting your privacy.  We are committed to valuing and respecting the participants we serve along with their families and carers, our staff and volunteers, our donors, our friends, and our suppliers.

Three areas are of significant interest to us –personal contact details, medical details, personal financial details, and any images of, or information about, children and/or vulnerable people that may be generated as a result of a stakeholder’s involvement with Pegasus.

Any of this data collected about our stakeholders in the reasonable course of running Pegasus is only retained if it is necessary.  And if it is retained, it is kept strictly secure.

We do not sell personal contact details to anyone.  We only use this information to further Pegasus’ objectives by identifying potential Programs for people in need, distributing our newsletter HoofPrint and other relevant correspondence, and better personalising your Pegasus interactions and experiences.

Personal financial details
We do not store personal financial details. Online credit card donations are processed using the Our Community GiveNow and SecurePay systems uses state-of-the-art encryption software.

Other credit card donations are processed manually using our online merchant facility SecurePay. In both cases, the card details are secure because the card is returned or the donation voucher is disposed of in a locked confidential waste bin.

Images of children and/or vulnerable people
We do not physically or electronically collect, display or distribute images of children and/or vulnerable people without first seeking the consent of a responsible person.

Members of the Pegasus community are not allowed to collect, display or distribute images of children and/or vulnerable people who are members of the Pegasus community other than their own child or children. All other images of the Pegasus community belong to Pegasus and will not form part of any other persons private media or communication channels such as Facebook.

Further details can be found in our privacy policy and our child protection policy. If you are at all concerned, you should speak to the Executive General Manager at Pegasus.